Shoremaster Vertical Lifts
Below you can compare the pricing on different lift capacities and layouts. These prices do not include electric motors or canopies. Boat lifts can have many different options available, for immediate pricing on different options for boat lifts, follow the button below:
Below you can find descriptions as well as pricing for our different boat lift setups by weight capacity.
7000 lb lifts include an integrated electric motor in either 120v (shore power) or 12v (battery powered) setups. The "Configuration Price" is the price of that specific setup without the price of the lift and is included in the "Price By Capacity"
Wood Bunks

Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 6000 lb
Description: 11' Full Length Wooden Bunks Without Guides
Suitable For: Classic Boats, Wooden Hulls, Flat Bottom Hulls, Round Bottom Hulls
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Wood Bunks & Guides
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 6000 lb
Description: 11' Full Length Wooden Bunks With Guides
Suitable For: Classic Boats, Wooden Hulls, Flat Bottom Hulls, Round Bottom Hulls
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Aluminum Bunks
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 7000 lb
Description: 11' Vinyl Covered Aluminum Bunks Without Guides
Suitable For: V-Hull Boats, Flat Bottom Hulls, Round Bottom Hulls
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Aluminum Bunks & Guides
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 7000 lb
Description: 11' Vinyl Covered Aluminum Bunks With Carpeted Aluminum Guides
Suitable For: V-Hull Boats, Flat Bottom Hulls, Round Bottom Hulls
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Deluxe Pontoon
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 6000 lb
Description: 4 Reinforced Vinyl Covered Aluminum Bunks & Integrated Carpeted Wood Guides
Suitable For: Dual-Toon Pontoon Boats, Allows For Easiest Entry/Exit
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Deluxe Tri-Toon Pontoon
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 6000 lb
Description: Deluxe Pontoon Setup + 2 Centered Vinyl Covered Aluminum Bunks
Suitable For: Tri-Toon Pontoon Boats, Allows For Easiest Entry/Exit
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):

Pontoon Rails
Available Capacity: 3000 lb - 6000 lb
Description: 2 Aluminum Rails, Sided with PVC for Protection
Suitable For: Dual-Toon or Tri-Toon Pontoon Boats up to 25' in Length
Starting Price By Capacity:
3000 lb:
4000 lb:
5000 lb:
6000 lb:
7000 lb(24V):